11th International Doctoral Student Workshop on Logistics – Call for abstracts

The Otto von Guericke University’s Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems (ILM) will host the 11th International Logistics Doctoral Student Workshop on June 19, 2018 in Magdeburg, Germany.
CSUM2018: ALLIANCE special session: Logistics file

Download here the pdf file with all information (venue, logistics, hotels) to prepare better your trip to Skiathos Island, Greece on 24-25 May 2018!
ALLIANCE participation in Workshop “From data to added value: points of view and solutions”

On December 8, 2017, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) organized an open workshop entitled “From data to added value: points of view and solutions”. Within the workshop, TTI students, academic and research staff, representatives of the private and public sector (Rīgas Satiksme Ltd., Rīgas Karte Ltd. Riga Municipality, Ministry of Transport, Riga City Council City Development Department) attended four presentations with the following topics:
Successful completion of ALLIANCE STSE mission

ALLIANCE WP3 (Knowledge sharing) leader, Dr.sc.ing. Mihails Savrasovs from Transport and Telecommunication Institute successfully completed his STSE (Short Term Staff Exchange) which took place between November 20-24, 2017, at University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.
Participation of ALLIANCE in RIGA COMM 2017 exhibition

Representatives of ALLIANCE project took part in a two-days exhibition entitled “RIGA COMM 2017” which was realized on November 9 & 10, 2017, in Riga, Latvia. RIGA COMM is an annual IT and business event for entrepreneurs of service and manufacturing fields, multi-level executives of state institutions and organisations and professionals that represent multiple fields of operation, aiming at organizing workshops and discussions about businesses’ solutions in Baltic and other countries. The goal of the exhibition is to encourage modernization of companies, organisations, state and municipal institutions for a more effective operation.

The European Commission organized on November 8, 2017, the FIRST WIDENING DAY in Brussels, Belgium. Scope of this event was to bring together all coordinators of the three widening actions ERA CHAIRS (FP7 and Horizon 2020), TWINNING and TEAMING (phase 2) and to create a WIDENING COMMUNITY, in order to exchange best practices, experiences and create new links for future synergies.
A Simulation Tool to Assess the Integration of Cargo Bikes into an Urban Distribution System
Wladimir Hofmann, Tom Assmann, Parisa Dolati Neghabadi, Van-Dat Cung, Jurijs Tolujevs
Conference-Proceedings (ISBN 978-88-97999-92-8), pp. 11-20 (2017)
Keywords: urban logistics, cargo bikes, delivery network simulation, control optimization
Open access: DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Export citation: BibTeX RIS
RFID in Logistics and Production – Applications, Research and Visions for Smart Logistics Zones
Martin Kirch, Olaf Poenicke, Klaus Richter
Procedia Engineering (1877-7058), Vol. 178, pp. 526-533 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.101
Keywords: auto-ID, RFID, smart logistics zone, automotive, retail
Open access: DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Export citation: BibTeX RIS
Mesoscopic Simulation Model for Logistics Planning Tasks in the Automotive Industry
Sebastian Lang, Tobias Reggelin, Toralf Wunder
Procedia Engineering (1877-7058), Vol. 178, pp. 298-307 (2017)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.118
Keywords: auto-ID, RFID, smart logistics zone, automotive, retail
Open access: DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Export citation: BibTeX RIS
Integrating Virtual Commissioning Based on High Level Emulation into Logistics Education
Wladimir Hofmann, Sebastian Langer, Tobias Reggelin
Procedia Engineering (1877-7058), Vol. 178, pp. 24-32 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.055
Keywords: virtual commissioning, high level emulation, simulation, logistics education, material flow laboratory, process design
Open access: DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT Export citation: BibTeX RIS