ALLIANCE 2nd Summer School: Final agenda

The 2nd ALLIANCE Summer School “Sustainable Transport Interchanges Program (STIP) – Part II: Public Transport Systems: from research to decision making” will be held on 1-7 July 2018 in Riga, Latvia.
11th Press Release

ALLIANCE Special Session during the 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility
Download the Press release
Digitalization is more than a vision – it is becoming a reality!

On April 26, 2018, an Open Workshop entitled “Science-to-Business: Digitalization in Logistics and Transport” was organized in Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) premises for PhD and MSc students as well as their scientific supervisors. Over 60 researchers and stakeholders from the transport and logistics sector came together to identify areas in which active collaboration…
ALLIANCE 2nd Summer School announcement – Registration deadline extension!

The 2nd ALLIANCE Summer School “Sustainable Transport Interchanges Program (STIP) – Part II: Public Transport Systems: from research to decision making” will be held on 1-7 July 2018 in Riga, Latvia.
First day of “Decision making methodologies” course for TTI Master and PhD students by Professor Eftihia Nathanail – University of Thessaly, Greece

On April 3, 2018, Prof. Eftihia Nathanail from University of Thessaly, Greece, gave the first lecture of the “Decision making methodologies” course for Master and PhD students of Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI). The course will be concluded on April 6, 2018. Course topics: An Introduction to decision – making: background, techniques, concerns Monetary-based techniques (Cost-Effectiveness…
Special Issue of Transport and Telecommunication Journal: Call for Papers on Sustainable Transport Interchanges (Deadline extended)

The special issue will cover a broad range of topics in the field of sustainable transport interchanges and will include the best research results from common research teams, which were established during ALLIANCE Project implementation (training schools, summer schools etc.).
Open research seminar by Dr. Giannis Adamos

On April 5, 2018, in TTI will be held a research seminar for MSc and PhD students by the invited lecturer Dr. Giannis Adamos.
Successful supervision of a Master thesis in the topic of sustainable transport interchanges

ALLIANCE project would like to congratulate Prof. Irina Kuzmina-Merlino, who is an active participant of the ALLIANCE project, for the successful supervision of a master thesis entitled “Business Model as a Tool for a Company’s Strategic Management” in the topic of sustainable transport interchanges.
Article in “European news” magazine of the European office of Cyprus

See here the article in the newsletter of the “European News” magazine (Issue 129, Page 3) about the most recent educational /training activities of the ALLIANCE project.
CSUM2018: Deadline for submission of full papers extended to 16 February 2018!

We would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting full papers to CSUM2018 has been extended. The new date for full paper submission (8 pages max.) is 16 February 2018.