On 16-18, May 2017 TTI’s young researcher Dr.sc.ing. Mihails Savrasovs, took part in Young Researchers Seminar 2017 organized by the ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes), FEHRL (Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories and FERSI (Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes).
The seminar took place in Berlin and united 38 young researchers from Europe and the United States of America. Young Researchers Seminar gave the opportunity to participants to present their research works and make networking activities, as well as to find possible collaborations with other partners in their research area. Young Researchers Seminar consisted of several sessions like: Emission reduction, Data interpretation, Transport policy, Transport economics, Road accident prevention, Paid services, Sharing economy, Traffic modelling, Maritime traffic monitoring, Cyclists safety, Individual perception, Road infrastructure.
The objectives of the Young Researchers Seminar are:
- To enable the networking of young transport researchers belonging to the Supporting Organizations Members, ECTRI, FEHRL, FERSI and from United States’ Universities.
- To train young researchers, by tutorial means through a retroactive manner, to elaborate, prepare papers and present oral scientific communications.
The representative of TTI, Dr.sc.ing. Mihails Savrasovs took place in the section of “Traffic modelling” with a presentation entitled as “Wide-scale transport network microscopic simulation using dynamic assignment approach”.