Transport and Telecommunication Journal updates

TTI continues to develop its own scientific journal “Transport and Telecommunication” (ISSN 1407-6160, ISSN 1407-6179 online), indexed in 30 international data bases, including Scopus®.
ALLIANCE webpage: Introduction of new section “PUBLICATIONS”

The team of ALLIANCE would like to inform you that a new menu section entitled “Publications” has been added on the official website of the ALLIANCE project. The new section will be used to share research publications conducted by Transport and Telecommunication Institute staff members on ALLIANCE project topic – “Sustainable transport interchanges”, sorted by publishing year.
Successful realization of the 1st Summer School “Sustainable Transport Interchanges Program” in Riga, Latvia

With great success was realized in Riga, Latvia the 1st Summer school entitled: “Sustainable Transport Interchanges Program (STIP) – Part I: Freight Transportation” from 16th to 22th July, 2017. The Summer School was organized by Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI), Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory of the University of Thessaly (TTLog) and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF). In total 25 young researchers from Latvia, Lithuania, Greece and Germany participated the Summer School.
1st Summer school of ALLIANCE project in TTI is coming soon!

Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) together with partners from ALLIANCE project are organizing the 1st summer school entitled: “Sustainable Transport Interchanges Program (STIP) – Part I: Freight Transportation”. The school will take place on 16-22 July, 2017 in TTI, and 25 young researchers from Latvia, Lithuania, Greece and Germany will participate.
10th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics on June 20, 2017 in Magdeburg, Germany

On June 20-22, 2017, the Institute for Logistics and Material Handling Systems of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, in cooperation with Fraunhofer IFF and with support of ALLIANCE project, hosted the 10th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics.

The poster has been designed to present the scope of ALLIANCE, as well as to provide information on project’s consortium. It will be used for the promotion of the project at events. The poster has been adjusted for printing in three poster frames A3, 50×70 cm and 80×200 cm.
Download the latest version of the Poster

The electronic leaflet has been designed to summarize the objectives and expected impacts of the project.
Download the latest version of the Leaflet
Brief presentation

A brief presentation, outlining the scope of the project, the concept, the expected impacts, the consortium, and contact details has been prepared in a “powerpoint” format to be used for the promotion of the ALLIANCE project in workshops, meetings, etc.
Download the latest version of the Brief presentation
One-slide presentation

The “one-slide” presentation has been prepared, outlining the scope, the concept and the thematic areas of ALLIANCE
Download the latest version of the One-slide presentation
7th Press Release

Successful realization of the Training Program: “10th International Doctoral Student Workshop on Logistics” and “Workshop on Modeling and Simulation in Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation and Traffic”
Download the Press release