Monday 27/06/2017
Successful realization of the Training Program: “10th International Doctoral Student Workshop on Logistics” and “Workshop on Modeling and Simulation in Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation and Traffic”
With great success the training program: “10th International Doctoral Student Workshop on Logistics” and “Workshop on Modeling and Simulation in Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation and Traffic”, was realized in Magdeburg, Germany from 20 to 21 June, 2017.
The program is part of the ALLIANCE dedicated knowledge-sharing activities, and was hosted by the Otto von Guericke University’s Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF.
ALLIANCE was represented in this event by young researchers, master degree and PhD holders, post-doc researchers and professors, the majority of which are members of the project’s collaborative research teams. In total, five presentations were given by students and staff members during the two workshops:
- “Questions of the transport infrastructure development financing in Latvia: problems and solutions” (O. Skorobogatova – TTI)
- “Research of ground vehicles movement control on the aerodrome using simulation” (I. Alomar – TTI, W. Hofmann – IFF)
- “Accessibility on long-distance terminals: case study Riga coach international terminal” (E. Budilovica – TTI, M. Tsami – UTH, V. Magginas – UTH)
- “Establishing initial operating range for cooperative UAV collision avoidance system” (D. Lancovs – TTI)
- “Environmental impact assessment based on mircoscopic traffic flow simulation” (M. Savrasovs – TTI, I. Pticina – TTI, I. Yatskiv – TTI).
For further information about the project, please contact:
Project coordinator: | Dissemination managers: |
Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva)
Transport and Telecommunication Institute Riga, Latvia Tel: +37167100544 |
Eftihia Nathanail, Giannis Adamos
Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory University of Thessaly Volos, Greece Tel: +302421074164, +302421074158 |