Thursday 19/05/2016, Volos, Greece
Training School within UTH’s Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program and participation of ALLIANCE partners at the 3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility
In the context of ALLIANCE and right before the beginning of the 3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, the training school: “Urban and Transportation Planning” is organized on the 24th and 25th of May, 2016, in Volos, Greece.
The training school concerns a number of selected courses of the UTH Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program entitled ”Project Management Transportation and Regional planning”, while two more lectures will be given by Fraunhofer experts. A tour in selected laboratories of the Polytechnic School of UTH will also take place.
The topics of the lectures are the following:
- Transportation of hazardous materials on interurban highways and tunnels
- Changing the transportation planning paradigm: A sustainability-based approach
- Urban planning and transportation
- The European Union policy on road safety
- The European context on intermodality: Regulatory frameworks and practice
- Supply chain digitalization – A chance for intermodal transports
- Industry 4.0 and successful examples from Germany
- Freight transportation and logistics: An evaluation framework.
In parallel with the two-day training school, the 2nd Project Management Board meeting will also take place with the participation of the members of the ALLIANCE consortium.
At the end of this week, on the 26th and 27th of May, 2016 the 3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility–3rd CSUM is organized by UTH and the Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory–TTLog in Volos, with the support of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology–WASET, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology–COST, and the European Commission’s project NOVELOG (New Cooperative Business Models and Guidance for Sustainable City Logistics). The theme of this year’s Conference is: “Anthropocentric approach in urban mobility planning”. For more information about the Conference, please visit: http://csum.civ.uth.gr/.
ALLIANCE partners will participate at the Conference and their scientific papers will be included in the Conference’s proceedings, which will be published in a special issue of Transportation Research Procedia of Elsevier (indexed in Scopus).
For further information about the project, please contact:
Project coordinator:
Prof. Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva)
Transport and Telecommunication Institute
Riga, Latvia
Tel: +37167100544
Dissemination managers:
Eftihia Nathanail, Giannis Adamos
Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory
University of Thessaly
Volos, Greece
Tel: +302421074164, +302421074158
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