Dear members of international collaboration research teams,
We would like to announce you a great opportunity to publish your research work in a special issue “Intermodal Transport and Transport Interchanges” of the Transport and Telecommunication Journal (published by Transport and Telecommunication Institute). The journal is abstracted and citated in more than 30 databases, including SCOPUS.
Please, find more information (templates , instructions for authors) here: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ttj.https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ttj.
As this is a special issue of the journal, the following conditions should be taken into account:
- Obligatory condition: the paper should be published by an international research team (authors from at least two different countries)
- Optional key words in research: intermodality, transport interchanges, governance and policy, smart solutions, decision making
Please note that the papers will be published in the 3rd issue of the journal in 2018, thus, the following deadlines should be respected:
- 20 March 2018: Deadline for manuscript
- 20 April 2018: Feedback from reviewers
- 10 May 2018: Final manuscript submission
Upon manuscript sending, please include in the subject field the following information: Special issue of T&T “Intermodal Transport and Transport Interchanges”
Kind Regards,
The ALLIANCE Consortium