Review of intelligent transport solutions in Latvia

Irina Yatskiv, Mihails Savrasovs, Dagnija Udre, Roberta Ruggeri

Transportation Research Procedia (ISSN: 2352-1465), Vol. 24, pp. 33-40 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2017.05.064
Keywords: intelligent transport solutions, state of the art, sustainable transport network, Latvia

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The goal of the following paper is to make a review of existing intelligent transport solutions in Latvia. The results of the review were part of the RITS-NET project, implemented in frame of INTERREG IVC programme by consortium of partners from 9 EU countries, including Latvia. The project aims at enhancing regional sustainable transport policies via an increased knowledge and understanding of the full potential of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions and ways to deploy them. To reach the goal the state-of-the-art of intelligent transport solutions in Latvia was completed, taking into account following subtopics: Emergency Management and Incident Services; ITS for Traffic Management and Mobility; Parking and Automatic Payment; ITS for Public Transport Management; Fleet Management and Freight. On each subtopic the careful review of existing solutions were completed and described.