The ALLIANCE consortium would like to announce PhD themes and vacancies in the Transport and Telecommunication Institute. This is a good opportunity to make your PhD in the field of sustainable transport interchanges. Additionally, ALLIANCE project will provide a number of benefits for new coming PhD students, like free of charge participation in the ALLIANCE summer schools, grants for conferences and publications, double thesis supervision, participation in all ALLIANCE activities and training and more (see activities here).
The list of themes for new coming PhD students is as follows:
Nr. | Theme title | Possible supervisor from TTI side (click on the link to see CV) |
1. | Development of managerial solutions for intermodal freight transportation in the framework of implementing the European Union’s Common Transport Policy for sustainable mobility. | Stukalina Yulia, Dr.sc.admin. |
2. | Improvement of system of monitoring of technical condition of vehicles for provide e- maintenance. | Labendik Vladimir, Dr.habil.sc.ing. |
3. | The models of decision support in the intelligent transport systems. | Kabashkin Igor, Dr.habil.sc.ing. |
4. | Resilience of applications in the intelligent transport systems. | Kabashkin Igor, Dr.habil.sc.ing. |
5. | Methods and algorithms for sensor systems for intelligent management and control of transport networks. | Grakovski Alexander, Dr.sc.ing. |
6. | Methods and algorithms for the person’s identification in the problem of automatic border control for passenger transport hubs. | Grakovski Alexander, Dr.sc.ing. |
7. | OD matrix estimation based on BIG DATA for sustainable mobility | Savrasov Mihail, Dr.sc.ing. |
8. | DSS in safety and security for public transport hubs | Savrasov Mihail, Dr.sc.ing. |
9. | Cargo hubs management based on advanced technologies | Savrasov Mihail, Dr.sc.ing. |
10. | Modeling and analysis of data flows from smart logistic objects in transport chains | Tolujew Juri, Dr.habil.sc.ing. |
11. | Big Data Life Cycle for Passenger Transportation Planning and Operation Phases | Yatskiv Irina, Dr.sc.ing. |
12. | Holistic approach to safety and security for Public Multimodal Transportation Hub | Yatskiv Irina, Dr.sc.ing. |
13. | Multimodal Transportation Hub Location Problem (Passenger or Freight) | Yatskiv Irina, Dr.sc.ing. |
14. | Multimodal Passengers Terminals: Developing Indicators for better level of service monitoring | Yatskiv Irina, Dr.sc.ing. |
15. | The Impact of Transport Infrastructure Investments on Regional Development and Economic Growth | Kuzmina-Merlino Irina, Dr. oec. |
16. | Evaluation Criteria and Measures of Effectiveness of Multimodal Urban Transportation Services | Kuzmina-Merlino Irina, Dr. oec. |
17. | Designing the Model of Management of Logistics Companies in the Context of Corporate Governance System | Kuzmina-Merlino Irina, Dr. oec. |
18. | Evaluation of the effectiveness of urban charging systems of electric vehicles. | Krainyukov Alexander, Dr.sc.ing. |
19. | Smart services of electric vehicles charging systems | Krainyukov Alexander, Dr.sc.ing. |
See more information about PhD programmes on TTI website
Should you be interested, please contact:
Prof. Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva)
Transport and Telecommunication Institute
Riga, Latvia