Invitation for Young Researchers Seminar

ALLIANCE project SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable Transport Interchanges is announced, within the framework of the 16th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-16), hosted by Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Riga, the capital of the Republic of Latvia, in October 19-22, 2016, supported by the European Commission funded project ALLIANCE (Grant Agreement no.:692426) (

The goal of the RelStat-2016 conference is to provide an international forum for scientists and professionals in academia, industry, and government to address recent research results and to present and discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools, applications, work in progress and experiences on all theoretical and practical issues arising in transport, information and communication technologies. The conference includes usually nearly 70 papers presented in oral and poster sessions by authors from many countries.

We encourage young researchers to submit their relevant research in three thematic areas: governance and policy development, smart solutions, decision-making. The Special Session welcomes papers presenting technical, experimental, methodological and/or applicative contributions in the scope of Sustainable Transport Interchanges.


Full papers must be in English and must not exceed 10 pages, abstracts must not exceed 600 words. The templates for papers and abstracts can be downloaded from the conference website: http://
Before the official submission of the abstract and paper, the interested participants should firstly send the abstract and then the full paper to the moderators of the Young Researchers Seminar (YRS), members of the the ALLIANCE project consortium:
• Prof. Irina Yatskiv (TTI, Latvia)
• Prof. Eftihia Nathanail (UTH, Greece)

with subject “ALLIANCE YRS2016”.

After receiving official notification from the moderators of ALLIANCE YRS, the official submission process should be followed as described on http://

Accepted and invited papers of RelStat-2016 Session will be published in the book of abstract with Proceedings of the Conference on CD as appendix (both will have ISBN), and selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a special issue of the journal “Transport and Telecommunication” (ISSN 1407-6160) and will be included in SCOPUS, Elsevier Database, EBSCO, Versita, VINITI, The Summon, Transportation Research Board, JournalTOCs, INSPEC, TEMA (Technology and Management), etc.

The Conference is hosted by Transport and Telecommunication Institute.

Abstract submission: 11.07.2016
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 20.07.2016
Full Paper Submission: 20.08.2016
Notification of Paper Acceptance: 26.08.2016
Final Manuscript Submission: 04.09.2016
Early Registration and Payment: 01.09.2016
Late Registration and Payment: 02.10.2016

We look forward to welcoming you to Riga where you will have the opportunity to enjoy an exciting scientific conference in a rich cultural and historical setting.

ALLIANCE project support for young researchers

ALLIANCE project is announcing financial support for the young researchers [1] to participate in the ALLIANCE Special Session “Sustainable Transport Interchanges” within the framework of the 16th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-16):

• 3 grants are available for the young researchers of the University of Thessaly, Greece. Contact person for more details: Prof. Eftihia Nathanail,
• 2 grants are available for the young researchers of the Fraunhofer, Germany. Contact person for more details: Mr. Kay Matzner,

The grant covers travel, accommodation expenses and Conference fees.

For more information visit:

Ms. Anna Agafonova – Organization Manager
Ms. Irina Laletina – Programme Manager

Transport and Telecommunication Institute
Lomonosova 1, Riga, LV-1019, Latvia

Telephone: +371-67100390, +371-67100651
Fax: +371-67100660

[1] Young Researcher means researchers in the first 10 years (full-time equivalent) of their research activity, including the period of research training, since gaining a university (or equivalent institution of higher education) degree giving access to doctoral studies in the country in which the degree was obtained (the degree must entitle the holder to embark on doctoral studies, without having to acquire any further qualifications) and who have not yet obtained a doctoral degree.