Environmental Friendly Transport Interchanges: Active Travel Accessibility and Policy

Vissarion Magginas, Eftihia Nathanail, Giannis Adamos, Maria Tsami, Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva), Evelina Budilovich

In: Kabashkin I., Yatskiv I., Prentkovskis O. (eds) Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. RelStat 2018. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 68. Springer, Cham
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12450-2_55
: Soft transport modes, Interchange accessibility, Strategic plans, Good practices 

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This paper focuses on active travel accessibility and the required actions to achieve a satisfying level of non-motorized access to urban interchanges. To this end, a systematic literature review was conducted, related to active travel policy measures and actions, as well as to measures aiming at the promotion of walking and cycling and the improvement of access to public transport terminals. This process was necessary in order to identify good practices and successful interventions implemented in Europe, but also to indicate potential legal, operational and infrastructure gaps and bottlenecks. Based on the above, the public transport system of Riga was investigated in terms of legislation, infrastructure, safety and space availability, addressing active travel accessibility to and from the main urban interchanges: Riga International Coach Terminal, Riga Central Railway Station and Riga Passenger Port Terminal. The critical assessment of the literature review findings and the analysis of the Riga transport system facilitated the drafting of recommendations for stakeholders and decision makers, who wish to put together action plans geared towards tackling the issue of active travel accessibility at urban interchanges.