On April 26, 2018, an Open Workshop entitled “Science-to-Business: Digitalization in Logistics and Transport” was organized in Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) premises for PhD and MSc students as well as their scientific supervisors. Over 60 researchers and stakeholders from the transport and logistics sector came together to identify areas in which active collaboration between business and science is required.
Presentations were provided by:
- Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Richter (Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Magdeburg, Germany)
- Prof. Dr.hab.sc.ing. Igor Kabashkin (TSI, Riga, Latvia)
- Dipl.-Vw. Kay Matzner, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF (Germany)
- Normunds Krūmiņš, Latvian Logistic Association, Chairman of the Board (Latvia)
- Artūrs Kokars, Latvian Aviation Association, Chairman of the Board (Latvia)
- Danila Larin, Director of logistics control department, the Aviation Maintenance Holding (Russia)
- Deniss Bičkovs, Latvian Coast Guard Service, Shipping security officer (Latvia)
Key topics that were discussed:
- Industry 4.0 in Logistics and New Business Models
- Digital Solutions Used to Ensure Safety of Passengers in Airport
- National Single Window Activities in Latvia
- The Role of Research in Supporting Industrial Leadership, etc.
Moderator of the discussion was Prof. Dr.sc.ing. Irina Yatskiv, Vice-Rector for TTI’s Research and Development, who presented the new TTI initiative supported by ALLIANCE project and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funding from the Foreign Office of the German Federal Republic.
In addition, it was announced that the PhD Students’ Workshop will be organized on October 16, 2018 in TTI. PhD and MSc students from Baltic countries will give their presentations on the following topics:
• Smart Solutions in Logistics and Transport
• Decision-making on the Base of Modelling and Simulation
• Technologies Impacts on Economics and Society.
The open workshop “Science-to-Business: Digitalization in Logistics and Transport” was realized within the frame of ALLIANCE project between Transport and Telecommunication Institute and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF.