David Weigert, Alina Rettmann, Iyad Alomar, Juri Tolujew
In Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility (2019)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-02305-8_98
Keywords: Ground vehicle movement, Apron simulation, Prioritization of vehicles
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Performance indicators to measure delay and delay improvement within the system are the non-operation period of an aircraft, the distance and time by ground vehicles needed to get to their assigned task. Due to the rising number of passengers within the next years, the effectiveness of these indicators needs to rise. A conceptual model was built with the help of Kuhn’s process chain model, which was used as a basis for the following rough calculation. The rough calculation contains time for necessary tasks at an airport as well as data about aircrafts, which departure and arrive at Riga International Airport. This paper focuses on the development and computer simulation of priority based control strategies for improving turnaround times of aircrafts at the apron of the Riga International Airport.