Young Researchers’ Seminar

ALLIANCE Young Researchers’ Seminar: Sustainable Transport Interchanges will take place within the framework of the 16th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-16) in October 19-22, 2016.

“Train the Trainers” Seminar

In order to support sustainability of the educational/training activities, ALLIANCE organizes a “Train the Trainers” Seminar, which will be held in Riga, Latvia in October 19, 2016, during the 16th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-16).

Invitation for Young Researchers Seminar

ALLIANCE project SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable Transport Interchanges is announced, within the framework of the 16th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat-16), hosted by Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Riga, the capital of the Republic of Latvia, in October 19-22, 2016, supported by the European Commission funded project ALLIANCE (Grant Agreement…