On December 8, 2017, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) organized an open workshop entitled “From data to added value: points of view and solutions”. Academic and research staff, TTI students, representatives of the private and public sector (Rīgas Satiksme Ltd., Rīgas Karte Ltd. Riga Municipality, Ministry of Transport, Riga City Council City Development Department) attended four presentations with the following topics:
- Data Science application in business: from theory to practice – Member of Data Science Team in Accenture, TTI Asist. Prof., Dr.Sc.Ing. Jelena Yurshevich
- Data Lake – Member of Data Science Team in Accenture, MSc in CS Dmitry Sinah
- Spatial Data Science: when locations matter – TTI PostDoc Researcher, Dr.Sc.Ing. Dmitry Pavlyuk
- Data protection by design and by default – Security manager in Tieto, Assoc. Prof., Dr.Sc.Ing. Aleksander Bereznoy
During this event, ALLIANCE members had the opportunity to establish networking activities with representatives the transport field and to promote the 2nd ALLIANCE Summer School program and other activities.