The kick-off meeting of the project ALLIANCE–Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges, took place in Riga, Latvia on the 26th and 27th of January, 2016.
The meeting was organized by the lead partner, Transport and Telecommunication Institute -TTI (Riga, Latvia). The rest project partners are two internationally recognized research institutions – University of Thessaly (Vols, Greece) and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (Magdeburg, Germany).
The TTI Rector Igors Graurs opened the meeting, thanking all participants and wishing fruitful work throughout the project’s duration. He highlighted that ALLIANCE is a very important project for TTI’s development and, also, for Latvia.
The two-day agenda included among other issues, technical presentations given by the responsible partners and discussions to set the methodologies to be followed during the three years of the project’s lifecyle. The workplan is structured under five work packages: WP1- Management and reporting, WP2-Educational training program, WP3-Knowledge-sharing, WP4- Networking and sustainability, and WP5-Dissemination.
In addition, a list of key dates and forthcoming activities was decided by the members of the Project Management Boards.
The meeting was carried out in a very friendly and productive atmosphere, which resulted in an efficient understanding of the project’s implementation principles by all participants.
The meeting closure was made by the project’s coordinator and TTI Vice-Rector for Science and Development Affairs, Prof. Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva).