Green Urban Interchanges: Stakeholder and User Perspectives

Eftihia Nathanail, Giannis Adamos, Maria Tsami, Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva)

Transport and Telecommunication (ISSN: 1407-6179), Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 183-193 (2018)
DOI: 10.1515/ttj-2018-0015
Keywords: Urban mobility; city hubs; intermodal transportation; environment; urban planning; sustainability

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The present paper aims at analysing the concept of “urban interchanges” as a solution towards seamless transportation and sustainable mobility. Based on an extensive review of policies, initiatives and data analysis coming from interviews and meetings with stakeholders, a coherent interchange design typology was formulated that links seamless transport and urban interchanges to spatial and urban planning. Focusing on the impact of user satisfaction as a priority towards user travel choices, a list of indicators was valuated. The comparative analysis of interchange typology performance formulated by the users’ perception regarding network accessibility, surrounding area, offered interchange time facilities and environmentally friendly services and infrastructure revealed fruitful findings on proper interchange design towards sustainability and reformation of the city-hubs into true green urban interchanges.