With great success were realized the Young Researchers’ and Trainers’ seminars that took place during the 17th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat’17), in Riga, Latvia.
The Trainers’ seminar entitled “Experience and impressions after 1st Summer School”, took place on October 19, and its scope was to organize a discussion with all involved parties about the results of the 1st Summer school “Sustainable Transport Interchange Program (STIP) – Part 1: Freight transportation” , which was organised in July, 2017. Specifically, the main goal was to receive feedback from students, trainers and lecturers from TTI regarding their vision on introducing STIP courses to the TTI new or existing study program. Ms Inta Rozenšteine, Deputy Director of the Department of Finance and Development Planning, Ministry of Transport, Latvia and member of the Scientific Excellence and Innovation Assurance Panel of ALLIANCE, also provided her feedback regarding the 1st Summer school.
The Young Researchers’ seminar entitled “Sustainable Transport Interchanges” was held on October 20, and it was organised as a special session of RelStat’17. During the two sessions eleven presentations were given by young researchers and PhD students from Latvia, Greece, Germany, Kazakhstan and Japan who are either members of the ALLIANCE international collaboration teams or interested in topics of transport modelling, logistics and evaluation of transport systems, ICT in transport, economical aspects of transport development.