On June 20-22, 2017, the Institute for Logistics and Material Handling Systems of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, in cooperation with Fraunhofer IFF and with support of ALLIANCE project, hosted the 10th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics. The Workshop was in the frame of the 20th IFF Science Days of the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation.
About 50 guests from seven countries (Hungary, Ukraine, Cuba, Latvia, Germany, France and Greece) were welcomed this year. In total 17 presentations were made by doctoral students and collaborative research teams of ALLIANCE. The workshop was part of the ALLIANCE dedicated knowledge-sharing activities, within which four presentations were held by students from TTI.
The Call for Papers of the 11th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics in 2018 will be dispatched in November 2017. Interested parties can be added to the mailing list by sending a mail to Niels Schmidtke of the Fraunhofer IFF ().
For further information please visit: http://www.ilm.ovgu.de/doktorandenworkshop.html