ALLIANCE project coordinator Prof. Irina Yatskiv (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia) participated in the 10th International Scientific Conference “Transbaltica 2017: Transportation Science and Technology“, which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 5-6 May, 2017.
Prof. Irina Yatskiv presented the paper entitled as “Knowledge sharing strategy as a key element of the H2020 programme: Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges (ALLIANCE) project” which was prepared by the group of authors collaborating in frame of ALLIANCE project: Irina Yatskiv (TTI), Mihails Savrasovs (TTI), Igor Kabashkin (TTI), Eftihia Nathanail (UTH), Giannis Adamos (UTH), Lambros Mitropoulos (UTH). The presentation was included in the plenary session of the conference and raised great interest from the participants.
In addition, TTI’s PhD student Evelina Budilovich made a presentation with topic: “Accessibility to Riga Public Transport Services for Transit Passengers”.